Nes pasitikiu Jumis.
Nes aš žinau, kad nepaliksite manęs sunkioje situacijoje, kad visada manimi domėsitės ir kad galite mane apginti ir visada busite mano pusėje.
Brokey, Kiev , Ukraine
Kai agentūra mane surado instagrame aš gyvenau Enrgodare, Ukrainoje. Mes pasirašėm kontraktą. Bet kai prasidėjo karas, agentūra įtikino mane atvykti į Lietuva, kur parūpino nemokama apgyvendinimą ir kur jaučiuosi saugi. Esu labai dėkinga!
Kira, Ukraina
In my opinion only because of this agency I started my carrer immediately successful. Long term experience and relations with the world’s best agencies opened the way to existing opportunities. This is a very efficient operating agency with very professional and caring leader!
Gabriele Regesaite
Always very tasty candy in the agency!
Simonas Tuen Pham
I am very thankfull for everything You did for Me! By all means, You are the best agency in Baltic States!
Simona Starkute
Modilinos gave me really good opportunity not just to work with worldwide clients, but also opportunity to travel, meet new people and also all things that they offered me, they opened my mind for different horizons.
Benas Drukteinis
I want to thank you, MODILINOS owner Jolanta, and your wonderful agency for all the great and bright things, which you did for me for all years! You gave me an opportunity to see the world, meet new great people, have an unforgettable work experience as a model and learn so many things! This is truly grecious and I am thankful to you from the bottom of my heart!
Oksana Jesipenko